Zennin Martial Arts

Four Dragons
Four Dragons Martial Arts was founded on 20th Aug 2007 “The dragon concept relates to the history of Kobun & Dau Draig Dojo’s both having 2 dragons within it”. The Dragon represents fighting spirit & wisdom. From the Dragon

Zennin Martial Arts
Zennin translates as ‘good people’, relating to the fraternity of positive martial arts instructors and students. The Zennin logo features two dragons facing each other from opposite sides representing awareness. Mission Statement: Zennin is committed to promoting the value and learning

Thai Kickboxing
Have questions about Thai Kickboxing? Email Shane Kickboxing, refers to the sport of combining the grace and style of boxing with kicking. Kickboxing is a standing sport and does not allow continuation of the fight once a combatant has reached the

Little Dragons
Little Dragons are our 5-7 year old warriors. Read more to learn about Four Dragons littlest members Link to buy Little Dragons T-Shirt. Buy here Four Dragons Dojo – Zennin Martial Arts instructor Shihan Kane Freemantle in conjunction with qualified

Getting started
Info need about Getting Started ZENNIN Martial Arts – Junior & senior Registration form to complete & fill out on line… Click here to register Organise time to complete 2 “FREE” trial training sessions Wear comfortable clothing and bring a

Club rules and etiquette
Student Be presentable and courteous towards members, family members and instructors. Don’t place the organization in disrepute. Pay fees in a timely manner. Instructor duties Teach in accordance with the set training programs and syllabus requirements. Present themselves in an